Quick pass to RB coming out of the backfield with the option to throw to the center or X receiver. Quick Hit Shotgun is an offensive 5 on 5 flag football play authored by Chiavarm. For other plays check out our flag football playbooks or become a football play designer or take your game to […]
Motion Slant Quick Flat

The weak side wide receiver comes in motion and runs a quick slant opposite the motion when the ball is snapped. The same side guard steps back and runs a quick route to the flat underneath the slant route. Ideally the guard’s defender will get caught up in the coverage for the slant. Motion Slant […]
Motion Strong Quick Slant

The weak side wide receiver comes in motion and runs a quick slant opposite the motion when the ball is snapped. The quarterback throws the slant if the motion receiver’s defender can’t stop in time or throws to the same side guard running an underneath route to the flats if the slant is covered. Motion […]
Isolation Crack Back

The strong side guard runs a hitch and the quarterback makes a quick throw there. The strong side split end runs a crossing route that cuts toward the guard when the pass is thrown. Ideally the guard’s coverage will get caught up in the end’s route freeing the guard to run. Isolation Crack Back is […]
Drop Slant

Wing formation with the front two receivers running quick fades and the back receiver running a slant behind them. Designed to move the bulk of the defenders to the outside and interfere with the coverage on the receiver getting the ball. Drop Slant is an offensive 5 on 5 flag football play from the Trips […]
Trips Motion Shovel Pass

Trips formation with outside receiver running motion inside and getting a quick shovel pass. Trips Motion Shovel Pass is an offensive 5 on 5 flag football play from the Shotgun Trips Overload formation and is authored by Fantasy Football. If you like this play, try becoming a football play designer or take your game to […]