From a Shotgun Twins Strong formation Yellow goes on a corner, Blue runs a smash, Red goes on a curl, and Orange motions toward the sideline and then does a fly, Green does a bootleg opposite the primary receiver and then stops and throws the ball to Red on the curl. The second read is Blue […]
Motion Rollout Flow

The weak side receiver motions to the make the formation tight then all four receivers run sideline routes of various depths while the quarterback rolls out in that direction. Motion Rollout Flow is an offensive 5 on 5 flag football play from Shotgun Spread Strong which is a shotgun spread formation with one of the […]
Motion Slant Quick Flat

The weak side wide receiver comes in motion and runs a quick slant opposite the motion when the ball is snapped. The same side guard steps back and runs a quick route to the flat underneath the slant route. Ideally the guard’s defender will get caught up in the coverage for the slant. Motion Slant […]
Motion Double Stop and Go

The slot receiver in a shotgun formation motions to the weak side of the formation into a twins alignment with the weak side wide receiver. Both receivers run stop and go routes and the quarterback throws to the player whose defender reacts to the fake the hardest. Motion Double Stop and Go is an offensive […]
Motion Power Inside Handoff

Receivers motion in from a split formation to lineman positions. Quarterback takes the shotgun snap and hands the ball off inside to the halfback. Motion Power Inside Handoff is an offensive 5 on 5 flag football play from One Back Shotgun Spread, which is a spread formation with a center, two wide receivers split wide, […]