The weak side wide receiver comes in motion to unbalance the formation to the strong side. The two outside receivers then run a combo route where they run together for five yards, then split to a post and a corner route. The quarterback reads the coverage and throws a quick pass after the cut to […]
Split End Post Guard Fade

Strong formation combo route with the guard running a fade and the split receiver running a post underneath the guard’s route. Split End Post Guard Fade is an offensive 5 on 5 flag football play from Shotgun Spread Strong, which is a shotgun spread formation with one of the receivers lined up tight to the […]
Motion Double Stop and Go

The slot receiver in a shotgun formation motions to the weak side of the formation into a twins alignment with the weak side wide receiver. Both receivers run stop and go routes and the quarterback throws to the player whose defender reacts to the fake the hardest. Motion Double Stop and Go is an offensive […]
Trips Trident

Trips formation with the wide receivers running combination routes resulting in one receiver running a pattern to the middle of the field, one running straight down the field, and one running a corner route. Trips Trident is an offensive 5 on 5 flag football play from the Trips Wide Wing formation and is authored by […]
Isolation Crack Back

The strong side guard runs a hitch and the quarterback makes a quick throw there. The strong side split end runs a crossing route that cuts toward the guard when the pass is thrown. Ideally the guard’s coverage will get caught up in the end’s route freeing the guard to run. Isolation Crack Back is […]
Shotgun Combos

Balanced spread formation with the quarterback in a shotgun. The players on either side of the ball run inside/outside combo routes with each other. Shotgun Combos is an offensive 5 on 5 flag football play from the Shotgun Spread Strong formation and is authored by NFL Package. If you like this play, try becoming a […]
Backfield Cross Under

Combination route with the center and wide receiver. Center runs down the line of scrimmage after the snap and the wide receiver runs behind. Ideally their defenders get tangled up in the coverage and one or both comes open for the quick pass. Backfield Cross Under is an offensive 5 on 5 flag football play […]